Woody The Clown, Basement Boy, Baron Mardi, Dr. Calamari, and Reverend Polypus, from Atomic Age Cinema , we a big part of making the 100 Years of Monster Movies webcasts during the 2010 HorrorHound Weekend a success. They were also always ready to jump in on a hosting segment. On, Friday, July 9, 2010 they will host a 100YMM webcast themselves. Watch when Woody and Basement Boy hosted The Amazing Transparent Man , with the band Calabrese and Tit and Tat from HEL on ICE , on March 27, 2010, here: See a promo for Atomic Age Cinema's 100YMM webcast here: To see a big Woody, visit: atomicagecinema.org Check out some great melons at: msmonster.com Get you monster chat on at: 100ymm.com