Madd Frank Presents

Fargo, North Dakota's horror host Madd Frank ran from 1985-95. The show was called Madd Frank Presents and at one point was syndicated to many other states.

Here are a couple of clips from Madd Frank Presents:

Here are a couple of clips from Madd Frank Presents:
MADD FRANK latex mask and hat.
They even have a video on there site on how they made the mask.
My name is Laura Duscher, and I am writing in regards to your horror host website, particularly about Fargo's Madd Frank. If you haven't heard, there is a 2 hour documentary being made (finalized, now) by a crew from Bemidji, MN. Executive Producer Mike Bredon found a childhood hero in Madd Frank and is bringing the story of the cast and characters and their practical kick-off of late night TV to light.
Here is an article about the documentary:
Here is a podcast from an interview about the documentary with Executive Producer Mike Bredon and Madd Frank himself, Delray Dvorachek.
And lastly, here is a link to the kickstarter that the article is talking about that will hopefully reach its goal and help bring the documentary to fruition.
The documentary is being edited now and will hopefully be aired at the Fargo Film Festival, where it will also see it's completion by capturing footage of Madd Frank and his die-hard fans.
Please don't hesitate contact me for any questions or comments or to get into contact with Mike Bredon.
You can email me at: