Meet Cleaver Theatre Thanksgiving Episode

Butch R. Cleaver presents Meet Cleaver Theatre's Thanksgiving episode.
This is Butch's description of episode 129 of Meet Cleaver Theatre Sub Atomic:
"Greetings Krypt Kats! Butch R. Cleaver here with another obscure treat for your holiday weekend. Since it's Turkey day we decided to get in the spirit with a turkey related movie. We failed. The closest we could find is a turgid tale of chickens, hootin', hollerin' and the kind of relationship issues that are only found in some of the finer trailer parks of our great nation. It's the 1974 drive-in obscuro-classic: "Cockfighter"! And place your bets on what our retro-mercial selections are.... yeah, you guessed it. It's everyone's favorite chicken related chain restaurant from two cultural decide which one is weirder."
Watch it here: