Riggor Mortiss Presents - Nightmare Castle

Riggor Mortiss and Nyte Angel tell some scary stories and present the movie Nightmare Castle in the second episode of Riggor Mortiss Presents.

Watch the full show here:

For more tales from the crypt, visit: riggormortiss.web.officelive.com


Riggor said…
CorpsesChris..... We are HORRIBLY honored to be added to this MONSTROUS Horror Host conglomeration..... Thank You Very Much!!!
Riggor Mortiss and Nyte Angel
Nyte Angel said…
CorpsesChris: You and all the horror hosts from Dr. Sigmund Zoid to Mr. Halloween Jack (and everyone in between) have made Riggy and I VERY welcome and comfortable.... Thank you all for your acceptance!
Horribly Yours, NYTE ANGEL

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