New Host Merchandise
Many horror hosts have been coming out with new merchandise. Check out these recent items:

Roxsy Tyler has a Roxsy Tyler's Carnival of Horrors t-shirt coming out soon. To order it, click this link: Roxsy T-Shirt
Watch an ad for it here:
To see the carnival attractions, visit:

Jebediah Buzzard, from Fright Time FunHouse, has a music CD called D.I.Y. or Die!!! by his band Jebediah Buzzard & The Buzztones. You can get a copy at: D.I.Y. or Die!!!
See a commercial for it here:
For more fun at your house, go to:

Roxsy Tyler has a Roxsy Tyler's Carnival of Horrors t-shirt coming out soon. To order it, click this link: Roxsy T-Shirt
Watch an ad for it here:
To see the carnival attractions, visit:

Jebediah Buzzard, from Fright Time FunHouse, has a music CD called D.I.Y. or Die!!! by his band Jebediah Buzzard & The Buzztones. You can get a copy at: D.I.Y. or Die!!!
See a commercial for it here:
For more fun at your house, go to: